Preparing for appointments

Preparing for appointments

Indicating Your Reason(s) for the Visit

Please inform us regarding the specific reason for your visit when you book the appointment, so that we can prepare for the specific issue.

For example, if a visit is for ‘ear wax removal’, we can prepare the flushing equipment in advance. If a visit is for ‘concussion’, we may be able to prepare educational material. This sort of preparation leads to a more efficient and timely experience for everyone.

Before you Leave…

Take note of whether any of your prescriptions need a renewal.

Bring your medications with you to the appointment.

Bring your health card.

The red and white health card is being eliminated. If you have a red and white health card, please begin the process of updating your health card. We have had a number of patients with red and white health cards that are no longer valid.

Checking In

Please inform the front desk when you arrive, and wait in the waiting room until called.

The receptionist may give you a portable tablet to allow you to update your contact information and complete questionnaires.

Please ask for the tablet if you think your contact information may have changed.

Time Management

Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are running late, everyone else will be forced to wait as a result of the delay.

Unless indicated otherwise, appointments are generally scheduled to have enough time for one or two quick issues. Please help us adhere to the allocated time so that we can stay on schedule for other patients.

If you have multiple issues to discuss, please inform us at the start of the visit so that we can manage your time accordingly. It’s OK to show us a list of your issues if necessary.